Formularz doboru wózka inwalidzkiego

* pole wymagane

Jak korzystać

1. Potrzeba fizyczna

* pole wymagane

od 42.0 cm
Length of the measured lower leg
Długość podudzia
do 97.0 cm
Length from waist to shoulder
Długość pleców
do 75.0 cm
Linear width of the hips
Szerokość bioder
Without the lower limb(s)
At least one hand working
With working lower limb(s)

2. Potrzeba wygody

Protection of bedsores of the buttocks
Protection of bedsores of the back
Protection against falling out (belts, braces)
Protection against slipping off the legs from the footrest
Head-drop protection
Protection against falling to the side with the torso
Protection of an paralysis hand
Leg clamping protection
Possibility to defecate in a wheelchair
The knee bend angle can be adjusted
Possibility of changing clothes on a walk
Possibility to install a table in front of the wheelchair
The armrests can be adjusted
Easier getting up
Maintenance-free rear wheels
The possibility of adjusting the backrest to a comfortable one
A more comfortable seat

3. Potrzeba bezpieczeństwa

Possibility to travel with an oxygen cylinder.
Possibility to use a respirator
The presence of a intravenous drip
Safety features in epilepsy
Possible reaction to fainting
Rear tipping protection

4. Potrzeba spacerów

Safe descent and ramp up
Transporting crutches
Driving on the grass
Possibility of changing clothes on a walk
Protection against unassisted descent
Rear tipping protection
Access to the curb possible
Possibility to transport the wheelchair in the car
Possibility to straighten up when pushing
Possibility to take necessary things

5. Potrzeba transpozycji w mieszkaniu

Passage through the door, 80 cm wide
Low height under the bottom when moving to the side
No leg rests are bumped into the footrests during a transfer
Safe transfer straight ahead
Comfortable getting up when standing up

6. Potrzeba opiekuna

Possibility to transport small items
The ability to block the wheels on a slope
No tire pumping
Comfortable driving position
Taking the oxygen cylinder
Quick change of lying position
Possibility to eat meals in a wheelchair
Possibility to administer a drip
Protection against falling feet
Possibility to defecate in a wheelchair

7. Potrzeby indywidualne

Falling to the side of the wheelchair
Varicose veins of the lower leg
Protection against epilepsy

8. Potrzeba ceny